Or others will.

Leadership – Teamwork – Ownership. If you want it – you can learn it. But not in a day and not from a textbook. It’s a journey... and a personal one.

Is it exciting? Yes. But it is also demanding. Because we question routines, because we challenge comfort zones. Because we free you from the excuse of just keeping on doing what you have always been doing. You will move from knowing to doing to being.

Our partnership enables and encourages you to reflect & act. Nothing – absolutely nothing – remains taboo. Every day, we want you to experience the excitement of NEW MONDAY MORNINGS.


Who we are

People andQFIVE. Companies andQFIVE. Organizations andQFIVE. Cultures andQFIVE. Whatever it is, andQFIVE adds something crucial. In training, coaching, transformations and processes andQFIVE gives important building blocks to achieve growth and success.



The Five

It is not your IQ determining success in life. We have five Quotients (Qs) that will make a difference for every leader, for every team: Alignment, Vitality, Emotion, Results and Mind.
Hence our name – Five Quotients for better results: andQFIVE.

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What we do

Logo of Inner Development Goals
Let‘s be real: It‘s all about performance, results and growth – however you define these things. We don't do things we don't believe in. Yepp – for extraordinary results you need to consider extraordinary approaches. Doing more of the stuff which has not worked in the past ... well you probably know what Albert Einstein has called this. We are 100% in line with the UN‘s IDGs by moving people and organizations from knowing to doing to being. The clock is ticking. Each tick holds an opportunity.

Building Alignment & Momentum

We do team- and organizational transformation programmes – from one-day team-alignment workshops up to multiple year digitization or fit for future programmes. We work industry-agnostic: From shopfloor to boardroom. From start-up to multinational. There is no standard offering – each situation is unique. However, we have ideas, hypotheses and questions for you. And we have modules which work like a plug-and-play approach to hit the ground running.

Training and development


You want to grow? You want to have aha-moments? You want to sharpen your mindset, skillset and toolset? You really want results and you are ready to work on yourself? OK – let‘s talk!

The Leadership BootCamp

Lead under pressure, uncertainty and anxiety and learn to find comfort in discomfort.

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Have A Seat At The Table

Become the Trusted Partner every board is looking for.

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Workplace Coaching

Leverage creativity, engagement and psychological safety through coaching skills.

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Highest Performing Teams

Get teams to feel, think and act like a true team where collective goals & full accountablity are the guiding norms.

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True Ownership

See it – say it – sort it! This is the mindset of true ownership. End to end.

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The Consulting Advantage

The way to cut through complexity quickly and structure any solution in a way every prestige consulting firm would do it.

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Feeding Forward

Stop bashing the past and turn any conversation into a learning and growth conversation.

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Unleash The Entrepreneur

Establish a mindset where you think and act like a true entpreneur who needs to build an own book of business.

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The Art & Science of Business Development

Balance inquiry with advocacy and figure out what your client really needs and whether they are able and willing to move forward.

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Leading To The Top

Discover and sharpen your very personal and authentic and value-based leadership style.

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Start With Yourself

Build your personal resilience and mental peak performance.

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Inclusive Leadership

Leveraging the power of mixed generations by better understanding and implement a mindset of apprenticeship.

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Negotiate & Play To Win

Never ever concede or give away something for free by navigating the terrain of emotions and negotiations.

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BreakThrough Conversations

The art & science of turning any conversation into a one where we ignite the momentum to create something new.

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Writing & Presenting To The Point

Get your message across, so it transforms your audience. Succinct & with a clear call to action.

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Breathe and Believe!

Build a mindset of resilience and boost your daily energy level through breathing hacks and high altitute simulations.

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Move yourself from guided reading to winning and influencing your audience to make decisions.

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We are here!

Coaching is tricky: There are many definitions of it. There are many myths around it and it polarizes: Many people swear on it – many don‘t consider it as an option. Our perspective: It works – but only if both parties are leaning in. We do not solve the problems for you. We help you to change perspectives, reflect and search for the answer (you might already carry in you). And for sure: With the clear intent to make you succeed – we challenge you. Our aim: Let‘s move from drama to solution as fast as possible.

Get Your Coaching here


The IDGs will provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development, a field-kit (in co-creation now) on how to develop these necessary skills - open source and free for all to use. The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities which are especially crucial for leaders who address SDGs, but fundamentally for all of us!  It is the greatest possible accelerator to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and create a prosperous future for all humanity.



Relationship to self



Cognitive Skills



Caring for Others and the World



Social Skills



Driving Change

this is us

Meet the team

Agnes Biolley

Agnes Biolley

Leadership Catalyst
The maker – Agnes' „superpower" is creating spaces, where ideas and solutions flow and transform into actions. 
+49 8124 446 8620
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Alessia Callegari

Alessia Callegari

Working Student
The curious – driven by curiosity and a passion for human potential, Alessia is committed to creating impactful change through empowering individuals and embracing new ideas.
​+49 8124 446 8620
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Alex DePew

Alex DePew

Leadership Catalyst
The anchor – Alex keeps teams grounded and able to do the work no matter what is happening behind the scenes.
​+49 8124 446 8620
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Alexandra Deutsch

Alexandra Deutsch

Leadership Catalyst
The facilitator – with a unique blend of on-the-job experience, coaching skills, and a contagious positive attitude, working with Alexandra is a refreshingly collaborative experience, where creativity, empathy, and humor seamlessly drive teams to achieve their best.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Amy Kan

Amy Kan

Leadership Catalyst
The listener – Amy hears what isn’t being said, makes connections when it seems everyone is speaking a different language, and helps get teams working together towards the same goals.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Andreas Breitfeld

Andreas Breitfeld

Leadership Catalyst
The Biohacker – Andreas provides your body and mind a true upgrade. Data-driven, evidence-based without any speculations towards more energy, well-being and longevity.
​+49 8124 446 8620
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Angelo Balest

Angelo Balest

Leadership Catalyst
The motivator – when you lack confidence or perceive unbreakable barriers, Angelo will inspire, motivate and lead you with passion to your next objective.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Anja Schießl

Anja Schießl

The acCOUNTant – you can always count on Anja. She is C-ollegial, O-rganized, U-nique, N-ice and T-otally helpful.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Anna Mirow

Anna Mirow

Managing Partner andQFIVE IMEA
The passionate enabler – for Anna, every challenge offers multiple opportunities to learn and grow through new perspectives. Together we stretch boundaries and define deliverables behind dreams and desires.
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Bernhard Kerres

Bernhard Kerres

Leadership Catalyst
The coach – when you run out of answers, Bernhard has the right question ready.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Chris Ancona

Chris Ancona

Leadership Catalyst
The Tenacious Creator and Executor – when you work with Chris, you will clearly feel that he is here to make your project successful in an ever-changing world.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Christine Paulus

Christine Paulus

Leadership Catalyst
The psychologist – Christine thrives for dynamic, improvised and engaging collaboration that employs creativity and energy to unlock new insights.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Cynthia El Fata

Cynthia El Fata

Managing Partner andQFIVE IMEA & Leadership Catalyst
The Pioneer – Cynthia's dynamic presence makes her a pioneering force, infusing teams with vibrant energy, empowering them to embrace growth and reach their fullest potential.
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Dr. Andrea Martini

Dr. Andrea Martini

Leadership Catalyst
The hybrid – If something requires a structured and analytical approach AND the ability to really listen and focus on the softer aspects, she can help.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Dr. Tobias Kiefer

Dr. Tobias Kiefer

CEO & Leadership Catalyst
The Creator & Challenger – our Founder & CEO Tobias loves to turn any challenge into an opportunity and always finds innovative solutions that create insights, create a feeling of adventure and move clients to action. That is why he founded andQFIVE: to create new monday mornings.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Elena Keilmann

Elena Keilmann

Leadership Catalyst
The problem solver – Elena brings structure and clarity to the way your team handles problem solving, decision making and communication – in a very energetic and dynamic style.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Elisa French

Elisa French

Leadership Catalyst
The Captivator – capturing deep attention, Elisa helps get to the heart of the matter and inspires others for impressive change.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Enrique Molina

Enrique Molina

Leadership Catalyst
The chaos solver – where there is a complex context, Enrique has the right mindset to help teams to move forward with clarity.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Erwin Mayer

Erwin Mayer

Experiental guide
The experiental guide – with Erwin by your side you will experience the theoretical content of leadership and teamwork up close and live!
+49 8124 446 8620
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Francesc Anglí

Francesc Anglí

Leadership Catalyst
The conscious – whatever the situation is, Franscesc has the ability to connect it with a high level of awareness and consciousness in order to make proper decisions.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Greta Grace

Greta Grace

Leadership Catalyst
The energy provider – working with Greta feels like an energy rush from being in your full power and alignment to your purpose increasing meaning in your life and your sense of professional fulfillment and success.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Hans Hocke

Hans Hocke

Guide and Leadership Catalyst
Your guide – if you want to improve your leadership skills and thus the performance of your team, you will receive challenging tasks and high-quality feedback so that you can act at your best, optimum before maximum!
+49 8124 446 8620
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Isabell Vogelsang

Isabell Vogelsang

Leadership Catalyst & Project Management
The connector – Isabell not only combines professional acting with coaching and business, but also (re)connects her participants with their bodies and minds.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Jochen Haase

Jochen Haase

Guide and Leadership Catalyst
The mountain guide – business meets mountain. With the experience of 30 years as a professional mountain guide Jochen will inspire your business leadership to reach the next level.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Klaus Salminen

Klaus Salminen

Leadership Catalyst
The storyteller – Klaus will take your ideas and thoughts and transform them into a thrilling storytelling journey, whether the end result is an online seminar, an artful movie or a group exercise. 
+49 8124 446 8620
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Lisa Oßwald

Lisa Oßwald

Director of Operations
The dedicated – Lisa makes things happen with a thought-through approach and supports you with her empathetic and attentive nature.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Marc Menzel

Marc Menzel

Leadership Catalyst
The leader – if teams or individuals are asking support, Marc's target is to move the audience forward based on his practical, international leadership experience as a leader for 20+years.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Marcus Fink

Marcus Fink

Leadership Catalyst
The environmentalist – saving the world in your daily business. Marcus shows the impact of real sustainable leadership.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Marius Bernhardt

Marius Bernhardt

Growth Catalyst
The modifier – Marius loves to provide teams and individuals with not just inert knowledge about team dynamics that is being carried around forever unused – but to acquire the skills and tools to be positively optimistic about change and challenges in a fun and innovative way.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Martin Voon

Martin Voon

Leadership Catalyst
The Combiner – with the belief in better leaders for a better world, the combination of using classroom teaching, experiential activities and coaching, Martin is the catalyst for participants to learn from experience through the andQFIVE platform.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Matt Trenchard

Matt Trenchard

Leadership Catalyst
The inspirer – when you’re dealing with volatile and challenging environments, he knows what it takes to form leaders of impact and compassion.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Oliver Sartena

Oliver Sartena

Leadership Catalyst
The enthusiast – Oliver combines enthusiasm with entrepreneurial thinking like no other. His ability to listen and then point out the essential, find the problems and build the solutions with clients „on the spot“ is what people love while working with him.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Richard Bentley

Richard Bentley

Director Q595 Limited UK & Leadership Catalyst
The experienced pragmatist – an excellent coach and facilitator, particularly adept at dealing with the idiosyncrasies and temperaments of senior leaders. He has a simple style, delivered in a pragmatic and results-focused manner.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Sarae Pratt

Sarae Pratt

Leadership Catalyst
The Connector – Sarae’s curiosity as a coach and trainer, helps you to join the dots between theories, concepts and tools with your personal and professional development.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Steph Peckham

Steph Peckham

Leadership Catalyst
The listener – Steph listens deeply, beyond just the words, to the stories and patterns that have shaped you, making sense of what is happening now and developing clarity for the future.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Tima Deryan

Tima Deryan

Leadership Catalyst
The mountaineer – Tima is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their true potential and lead a life of purpose and impact, so that they can create a better world for themselves and those around them.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Travis Hall

Travis Hall

Leadership Catalyst
The companion – whenever you face a crossroads moment in your leadership, Travis walks alongside you, helping you find insight and confidence to navigate the unknown from the inside-out.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Vivi Tian

Vivi Tian

Leadership Catalyst
The transformer – Vivi shifts the team engagement, performance results and leadership impacts from below the line to above the line with knowledge & empowerment.
+49 8124 446 8620
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Yvonne Pirkner

Yvonne Pirkner

Leadership Catalyst
The unconventional – when the normal way doesn't get you to your goal and you're looking for unconventional solutions to complex problems.
+49 8124 446 8620
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YOU Andqfive?!

... Agnes andQFIVE, Bernhard andQFIVE, Lisa andQFIVE, Travis andQFIVE, Vivi andQFIVE ...
You are interested in becoming a part of our andQFIVE community? We are always happy to expand our team with competent, passionate and open minded trainers, coaches, consultants and pioneers with expert knowledge in exciting innovative areas.

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OUR Leadership


Some of our Leadership Catalysts in action in Dubai, July 2019.


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Share your challenges – We offer opportunities


Parkweg 9
85659 Forstern
Munich, Germany
​+49 8124 446 8620


The Studio, Haydon End, Blackborough, Devon EX15 2HX, UK


Business Center 1, M Floor,
The Meydan Hotel,
Nad Al Sheba,
Dubai, U.A.E.
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1.   Being — Relationship to Self

Cultivating our inner life and developing and deepening our relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body help us be present, intentional and non-reactive when we face complexity.

Inner Compass
Having a deeply felt sense of responsibility and commitment to values and purposes relating to the good of the whole.

Integrity and Authenticity
A commitment and ability to act with sincerity, honesty and integrity.

Openness and Learning Mindset
Having a basic mindset of curiosity and a willingness to be vulnerable and embrace change and grow.

Ability to be in reflective contact with own thoughts, feelings and desires; having a realistic self-image and ability to regulate oneself.

Ability to be in the here and now, without judgement and in a state of open-ended presence.

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2. Thinking — Cognitive Skills

Developing our cognitive skills by taking different perspectives, evaluating information and making sense of the world as an interconnected whole, is essential for wise decision-making.

Critical Thinking
Skills in critically reviewing the validity of views, evidence and plans.

Complexity Awareness
Understanding of and skills in working with complex and systemic conditions and causalities.

Perspective Skills
Skills in seeking, understanding and actively making use of insights from contrasting perspectives.

Skills in seeing patterns, structuring the unknown and being able to consciously create stories.

Long-term Orientation and Visioning
Long-term orientation and ability to formulate and sustain commitment to visions relating to the larger context.

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3. Relating  — Caring for Others and the World

Appreciating, caring for and feeling connected to others, such as neighbors, future generations or the biosphere, helps us create more just and sustainable systems and societies for everyone.

Relating to others and to the world with a basic sense of appreciation, gratitude and joy.

Having a keen sense of being connected with and/or being a part of a larger whole, such as a community, humanity or global ecosystem.

Being able to act in accordance with the needs of the situation without concern for one's own importance.

Empathy and Compassion
Ability to relate to others, oneself and nature with kindness, empathy and compassion and address related suffering

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4. Collaborating  — Social Skills

To make progress on shared concerns, we need to develop our abilities to include, hold space and communicate with stakeholders with different values, skills and competencies.

Communication Skills
Ability to really listen to others, to foster genuine dialogue, to advocate own views skillfully, to manage conflicts constructively and to adapt communication to diverse groups.

Co-creation Skills
Skills and motivation to build, develop and facilitate collaborative relationships with diverse stake-holders, characterized by psychological safety and genuine co-creation.

Inclusive Mindset and Intercultural Competence
Willingness and competence to embrace diversity and include people and collectives with different views and backgrounds.

Ability to show trust and to create and maintain trusting relationships.

Mobilization Skills
Skills in inspiring and mobilizing others to engage in shared purposes.

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5. Acting  — Enabling change

Qualities such as courage and optimism help us acquire true agency, break old patterns, generate original ideas and act with persistence in uncertain times.

Ability to stand up for values, make decisions, take decisive action and, if need be, challenge and disrupt existing structures and views.

Ability to generate and develop original ideas, innovate and being willing to disrupt conventional patterns.

Ability to sustain and communicate a sense of hope, positive attitude and confidence in the possibility of meaningful change.

Ability to sustain engagement and remain determined and patient even when efforts take a long time to bear fruit.